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Privacy Policy

By using our website, you hereby consent to our privacy policy and agree to its terms. We reserve the right to modify any of the below listed at anytime, in its sole discretion. Any change or modification will be effective immediately upon posting of the revisions on the site.

All data collected here are gathered to ensure a smooth transaction process. These may include your name, email address and similar relevant identification data. Information are only used and does not limit to customer service support, account management, order completion, promotional alerts and will not at any point be disclosed to third parties. Feel free to request to erase any personal data if you have an account with us. This does not however applies to any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Web store information are stored on your computer in the form of ‘cookies’ during site navigation. Cookies are small text files that contain information that enables the website to identify you. Cookies do no harm to your computer, consist only of text, and cannot contain viruses. They exist to facilitate automatic logins, password authentication, shopping cart functions, personal preference settings, and a variety of other functions. You may at any time choose to accept or decline cookies which may limit the site experience.

We strive to maintain the safety of your personal information. All third party services used on this platform are encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer protoco (SSL) technology and are governed by individual privacy polices. Although we do our best to protect your personal data, we are not able to guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site. Do note that any transmission is at your own risk.

PayPal is currently used for all credit card, debit card and Paypal transfers. Do swing by their privacy policy if you do have further concerns.

By using this site, you represent that you are at least the age of majority and have given us your consent to allow any of your minor dependents to use this site.

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